Sir Thomas More

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This anonymous play, dated by W. W. Greg about 1593 (but later by some), survives only in a damaged manuscript, revised after censorship by the Master of the Revels, which contains five distinct additions in different scripts from the first draft, of which the fourth "D" is generally held to be in Shakespeare's handwriting (see above). In this scene More pacifies a xenophobic mob. The whole script was staged by the Royal Shakespeare Company in 2005 and the ascription of the supposed Shakespeare parts was found plausible. HMR


Greg, W. W., ed. Sir Thomas More. Oxford: Oxford University Press & Malone Society, 1911.

Hopkins, Chris. "Review of Sir Thomas More, by Anthony Munday, William Shakespeare and others." [RSC, Swan Theatre, 2005.] Early Modern Literary Studies 11, no. 2 (September 2005): 13.1-6.

Hyde, Mary C. "Current Theatre Notes." Review of Sir Thomas More, London Theatre Centre, June 22-25, 1954. Shakespeare Quarterly 6 (1955): 67-88.

Jenkins, Harold, ed. Sir Thomas More. In Complete Works, by William Shakespeare, edited by C. J. Sisson. London: Odhams, 1954.

Lock, Robert H. "A Year of Shakespeare in Kiwiland." Shakespeare Quarterly 30 (1979): 272-7.

MacNalty, Arthur S. "Shakespeare and Sir Thomas More." Essays and Studies 12 (1959): 36-57.

McDermott, Kristen. "Sejanus: His Fall; and Sir Thomas More." Review of Sejanus and Sir Thomas More, Royal Shakespeare Company, Swan Theatre, 2005. Theatre Journal 58, no. 1 (March 2006): 127-131.

McMillan, Scott. "The Book of Sir Thomas More: a Theatrical View." Modern Philology 68 (1970): 10-24.

Metz, G. Harold, ed. Four Plays Assigned to Shakespeare (Edward III, Sir Thomas More, Cardenio, The Two Noble Kinsmen); an Annotated Bibliography. New York: Garland, 1982.

Mullini, Roberta. "The Book of Sir Thomas More and Its Performance." In "Divers toyes mengled": Essays on Medieval and Renaissance Culture in Honor of André Lascombes, edited by Michel Bitot, 211-28. Tours: Publication de l'Université François Rabelais, 1996.

McMillin, Scott. "The Book of Sir Thomas More: Dates and Acting Companies." In Shakespeare and Sir Thomas More: Essays on the Play and Its Shakespearian Interest, edited by T. H. Howard-Hill, 57-76. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1989.

Nosworthy, J. M. Shakespeare's Occasional Plays. London: Arnold, 1965. [See p. 226.]

Pollard, A. W., ed. Shakespeare's Hand in the Play of "Sir Thomas More." Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1967.

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