King Lear

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King Lear, Henry Irving as Lear

As Reginald Foakes has argued, King Lear has probably replaced Hamlet as Shakespeare's most admired play because of its recognition of the broadest range of human relationships. Nevertheless, the play has usually been mutilated in performance. Shakespeare's downbeat ending of the plot with the deaths of Lear and Cordelia (in contrast to his sources) has oppressed so many that it was often played with Nahum Tate's happy ending: with Edgar marrying Cordelia and Lear restored; the Fool eliminated and Arante added as confidant for Cordelia. This version was acted by Thomas Betterton, David Garrick, and Edmund Kean, and preferred by Samuel Johnson. The play was even suppressed for a time when George III was suffering mental impairment. Macready's production of 1838 restored the original text. However, distortions remain customary in stage and film productions. The famous 1962 film production by Peter Brook, with Paul Scofield as Lear and Alan McCowan as the Fool, pessimistically omits Edmund's repentance. In contrast, Kozintsev's film suppresses the attempted suicide of Gloucester and Lear's hint at the Fool's death. Actors and directors tend to see the ranting scenes and supposed madness as the play's core, rather than Lear's acquiring of wry humor in the face of disaster (yet significantly the Folio text cut Lear's most hallucinatory scene: the trial of Goneril and Regan). The contrastingly positive role of Edgar is often under-stressed—but it provided a hopeful conclusion to Kozintsev's film; and Branagh cast himself as Edgar in his staged version. (See The Tragicomedy of King Lear as well as Performing King Lear: Researching a Plot Sequence.)

King Lear: National Theatre, London, 1997
King Lear: Paul Scholfield as Lear, Alec McCowen as the Fool
King Lear (Jeffrey DeMunn) at the Bruns Theatre: California Shakespeare Theatre, 2007.
King Lear: Royal Shakespeare Company, November 1976.



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Halio, Jay L. "Staging King Lear 1.1 and 5.3." In Shakespeare Illuminations: Essays in Honor of Marvin Rosenberg, edited by Jay Halio and Hugh Richmond, 102-9. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 1998.

Harris, Laurilyn J. "Peter Brook's King Lear: Aesthetic Achievement or Far Side of the Moon?" Theatre Research International 11, no. 3 (Autumn 1986): 223-39.

Hawkes, Terence. "Lear's Maps: A General Survey." Shakespeare-Jahrbuch (Bochum) (1989): 134-47.

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Holland, Peter. "Two-Dimensional Shakespeare: King Lear on Film." In Shakespeare and the Moving Image, edited by Anthony Davies and Stanley Wells, 50-68. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994.

Hughes, Alan. "'A Poor, Infirm, Weak and Despis'd Old Man': Henry Irving's King Lear." Wascana Review 12, no. 1 (1977): 49-64.

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Ioppolo, Grace. "The Performance of Text in the Royal National Theatre's 1997 Production of King Lear." In Shakespeare Performed: Essays in Honor of R. A. Foakes, edited by Grace Ioppolo, 180-97. Newark: University of Delaware Press; London: Associated University Presses, 2000.

Johansen, I. "Visible Darkness: Shakespeare's King Lear and Kurosawa's Ran." In Screen Shakespeare, edited by Michael Skovmand and Tim Caudery, 64-86. Cambridge, England: Aarhus University Press, 1994.

Kelly, Philippa. "Performing Australian Identity: Gendering King Lear." Theatre Journal 57, no. 2 (2005): 205-227.

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Keyishian, Harry. "Performing Violence in King Lear: Edgar's Encounters in 4.6 and 5.3." Shakespeare Bulletin 14, no. 3 (1996): 36-38.

Kimbrough, R. Alan. "Olivier's Lear and the Limits of Video." In Shakespeare on Television: An Anthology of Essays and Review, edited by James C. Bulman and H. R. Coursen, 115-22. Hanover and London: University Press of New England, 1988.

Kozintsev, Grigorii Mikhailovich. "King Lear": The Space of Tragedy: The Diary of a Film Director. Translated by Mary Mackintosh. Forward by Peter Brook. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1977.

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Lehmann, Courtney. "A Thousand Shakespeares: From Cinematic Saga to Feminist Geography or, The Escape from Iceland." In A Companion to Shakespeare and Performance, edited by Barbara Hodgdon and W. B. Worthen, 588-608. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing, 2005.

Lusardi, James P. and Jane Schlueter. Reading Shakespeare in Performance: King Lear. Rutherford, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press; London and Toronto: Associated University Presses, 1991.

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Maguire, Nancy Klein. "Nahum Tate's King Lear: 'the king's blest restoration.'" In Appropriation of Shakespeare: Post-Renaissance Reconstructions of the Works and the Myth, edited by Jean I. Marsden, 29-42. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1992.

Meadowcroft, J. W. R. "Playing King Lear: Donald Sinden Talks to J. W. R. Meadowcroft." Shakespeare Survey 33 (1980): 81-87.

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Mullin, Michael. "Peter Brook's King Lear: A Reassessment." In Screen Shakespeare, edited by Michael Skovmand, 54-63. Aarhus: Aarhus University Press, 1994.

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Ogden, James. "Lear's Blasted Heath." Durham University Journal 80 (1987-88): 19-26.

Parker, R. B. "The Use of Mise-En-Scene in Three Films of King Lear." Shakespeare Quarterly 42 (1991): 75-90.

Peat, Derek. "Responding Blindly? A Reading of a Scene in King Lear." Sydney Studies in English 10 (1984-85): 103-8.

Pericord, Harry William. "Shakespeare, Tate, and Garrick: New Light on Alterations of King Lear." Theatre Notebook: A Journal of the History and Technique of the British Theatre 36, no. 1 (1982): 14-21.

Potter, Lois. "Macready, the Two-Text Theory, and the RSC's 1993 King Lear." In Critical Essays on Shakespeare's King Lear, edited by Jay Halio, 207-15. New York: Hall-Simon and Schuster; London: Prentice-Hall International, 1996.

Ramamoorthi, P. "King Lear in the Land of The Ramayana." Shakespeare Worldwide 12 (1989): 59-70.

Rempel, John. "Nahum Tate's ('Aberrant,' 'Appalling') The History of King Lear (1681): Lear as Inscriptive Site." In Theatre of the World/Theatre du Monde, edited by Carol Gibson Wood and Gordon Fulton, 51-61. Edmonton, AB: Academic, 1998.

Richman, David. "The King Lear Quarto in Rehearsal and Performance." Shakespeare Quarterly 37 (1986): 374-82.

Richmond, Hugh M. "A Letter to the Actor Playing Lear." In Shakespeare Illuminations: Essays in Honor of Marvin Rosenberg, edited by Jay Halio and Hugh Richmond, 110-130. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 1998.

Roh, Seung-Hee. "'The mirror of production,' or the Political Economy of Renaissance Self-Fashioning: A Semiotic Reading of King Lear." Journal of English Language and Literature (Seoul) 43 (1997): 401-23.

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Scott, Michael. "Letters on King Lear." Critical Survey 1 (1989): 10-16.

Sher, Antony. "The Fool in Lear." In Players of Shakespeare 2: Further Essays in Shakespearean Performance by Players with the Royal Shakespeare Company, edited by Russell Jackson and Robert Smallwood, 151-65. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1988.

Stoll, Abraham. "Edgar and Kingship in the Three King Lears." Shakespeare and Renaissance Association of West Virginia: Selected Papers 22 (1999): 1-16. [Stoll explores the Tate, Quarto, and Folio versions]

Styan, J. L. "A Theatrical Approach: King Lear as Performance and Experience." In Approaches to Teaching Shakespeare's "King Lear," edited by Robert H. Ray, 111-18. New York: Modern Language Association, 1986.

Russo, Peggy Anne. "The great stage of fools": the Stratford Festival's "King Lear," 1964. (Canada). Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Michigan, 1988.

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Urkowitz, Steven. "Using the King Lear Quarto and Folio to Explore Character, Staging, and Story." Shakespeare (Georgetown University) 7, no. 1 (2003): 9-11.

King Lear at Talkin' Broadway.

Taylor, Gary and Michael Warren, ed. The Division of the Kingdoms: Shakespeare's Two Versions of King Lear. New York: Oxford University Press, 1983.

Viguers, Susan. "The Storm in King Lear." CLA Journal 43 (1999-2000): 338-66.

Wells, Stanley, ed. The History of King Lear. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2000.

Williams, T. D. Duncan. "Mr. Nahum Tate's King Lear." Studia Neophilologica 38 (1966): 290-300.

Womack, Kenneth. "Assessing the Rhetoric of Performance Criticism in Three Variant Soviet Texts of King Lear." Yearbook of Comparative and General Literature 41 (1993): 149-59.


An affecting Lear at Shakespeare's Globe - Matt Wolf, New York Times

King Lear (Globe) - Maxwell Cooter, What's on Stage Review

King Lear at Shakespeare's Globe - Times Online

King Lear - Lizzie Loveridge, CurtainUp London

King Lear, Shakespeare's Globe, London - Paul Taylor, The Independent

King Lear, Shakespeare's Globe - The Sunday Times

King Lear: a mighty Lear in full-blooded glory - Charles Spencer, Telegraph

Reviews: King Lear - Lisa Childs, The Stage

Theatre: King Lear, Globe, London - Lyn Gardner, The Guardian

King Lear, Shakespeare's Globe (2008) - Philip Fisher, British Theatre Guide

King Lear @ Shakespeare's Globe, London - Clair Whitefield, musicOMH

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